Unappa Servizi srl

UNAPPA SERVIZI Srl is the Society of Members of UNAPPA established on 11 September 2006 to implement and manage the telematic and IT services of the Member Agencies while launching proposals and new job opportunities, and aims to be the start of an exciting new experience.

Due to the computerisation of paperwork procedures and interaction with the Public Administration, our activities have advanced and improved our level of professionalism, bringing significant benefits to citizens, businesses and users, in terms of quantity and quality of the services offered, and time saved in managing the various types of paperwork and requirements. It is by continuing on this path that UNAPPA SERVIZI Srl is able today, to offer the network of Member Agencies and the user, the integration and aggregation necessary to ensure uniformity of treatment, cost-effectiveness and quality of its services and introduce the concept of "collaborative network". In particular, the development of our network will pass through the PORTAL.

Compliant with all the necessary standards for integration with public administration offices, designed and implemented by Infocamere (a consortium of the Italian chambers of commerce), it allows greater synergy and the possibility of improving the standard of our services and proposals.

Today already, thousands of cases pass through our system It is also a meeting point for trade professionals, with specially designed discussion and collaboration areas on the network. It is a place in which to develop ideas, discuss and make suggestions, in addition to being an important tool for soliciting and raising awareness. New technologies, which are initially accepted with great difficulty, are now the strength of all our agencies.

In the Unappa Portal, they will find an added reason to work with us and a boost to their own growth, as we move closer and closer to integrating with public administrations that will allow it, and develop professionalism and great competitiveness in an increasingly complex and articulated market in which the individual risks not being able to compete. Unappa Servizi Srl, is the society of members.
All attention is dedicated to our members. The idea behind the proposal is not only functional, but also ideological. The society of members was created to cope with the great demand for quality services, the need to aggregate skills and build a system, the opportunity to ensure a greater presence throughout the country and, even more importantly, to seize the opportunity to take on major commitments together.




Information about the Society
Unappa Servizi Srl Unipersonale
Fiscal Code/VAT Number 05418700968
Economic and Administrative Index MI - 1820084
Share Capital € 1,200,000.00, fully paid-up

Registered office
Viale Carlo Espinasse, 67
20156 Milano

Company Registry Extract of UNAPPA Servizi

Company Registry Extract of UNAPPA Servizi (English version)



The legality rating is the tool by which the Italian Competition and Markets Authority (AGCM) in agreement with other relevant ministries, issues companies that apply for it a certificate by which it gives the organization a rating. This rating is determined on the basis of various indicators. The company is also listed in a public directory that can be examined by anyone. Such a rating allows for some credit, such as in participation in public calls or tenders and the like. It serves as a further gauge that allows us, as a special purpose company, to ask third parties to evaluate our organisation. We aim to raise this rating in the coming years with the appropriate adjustments we intend to put in place.


Legality Rating Resolution

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